Share of Cost, Various Treatment Options For Gingivitis
Treatment involves professional teeth cleaning and intensified home dental hygiene. Gingivitis can be reversed if you remove bacteria from your teeth every day. Treatment methods depend upon the type of disease and how far the condition has progressed. Treatment is by improved cleaning, with more-frequent and longer brushing and flossing, and/or the use of electronic tooth-cleaning equipment.
Rigorous plaque control programs along with periodontal scaling and curettage also have proved to be helpful, although according to the American Dental Association, periodontal scaling and root planning are considered as a treatment to periodontal disease, not as a preventive treatment for periodontal disease.
Call your health care provider if the dentist recommends medical treatment of underlying conditions that contribute to the development of gingivitis. Acute herpetic gingivostomatitis usually gets better in 2 weeks without treatment.